Thursday, October 6, 2011

Profile: Chandler Russ - Shoals Christian

The Brotherhood.  Christians often refer to one another as "brothers and sisters".  It may take on a whole new concept at a small school  like Shoals Christian.  Chandler Russ, who is second in the area in rushing at 121.8 yards per game, has to give credit to his true brother, an offensive lineman that blocks for him.  "The biggest part in my success has been my linemen/tight-end, I run as hard and fast as I can and trust my teammates to go hard. The wide receivers also do a great job stalk blocking. We all go hard and thats why we've had success."  But like most 1A schools the roster is filled with players that play both ways.  "The toughest part is getting tired. I'm a kicker on special teams and play middle linebacker on defense so I dont get much time to rest. "  He gets help from another brother here.  His other younger brother is the outside linebacker.  Together the three of them have helped the Flame to a 4-2 record with a 3-1 region record that is currently got them in third place behind Hackleburg and Addison.  Hackleburg visits the Flame this Friday night. In referring to his Sophmore twin brothers Russ says "Its pretty cool to know they're out there with me for my last year". Its that brotherhood and closeness of the players that helps in many ways.  "My favorite part of playing for Shoals Christian is that it gives you opportunities. Everyone gets their chance to play and we are all best friends so its always a good time. Most all of us play every sport so we always play with the same guys all year around which gives us very good chemistry."  So far it seems to be working well...everything is going good in the Flame Family!

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